Leonard Daly Moderating 3D Commerce Webinar
I will be moderating a panel discussion on 3D Commerce at 8:00AM PDT (GMT-0700) on Tuesday. 27 October. The event was free. A video of the webinar along with the slides are availalbe. [Registration and attendance for this Zoom Webinar is free!]
The panel will be discussing Khronos' work to develop an environment for web-based 3D models that works in all standard web display environments. This includes web browsers and mobile apps on all devices where those applications will run. The Khronos-developed solution includes technical, artistic, and adoption/certification components.
The eco-system diverse panel will present their efforts in providing the pieces of the solution so that manufacturers, platforms (ads and search), retailers, and consumers can all feel comfortable making an on-line purchase and what they see is what they will get.