Section Descriptions
- Foreword provides background on the standards process for SRC.
- Introduction describes the purpose, design criteria, and functional characteristics of SRC.
The following clauses define Part 1 of ISO/IEC nnnnn
- Scope defines the problem area that SRC addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards referenced in this part of ISO/IEC nnnnn.
- Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations contains the glossary of terminology used in this part of ISO/IEC nnnnn.
- Concepts describes the workings of the SRC system.
- Format describes the layout of a SRC file.
There are several annexes include in the specification:
- (Normative) TBD to be determined.
- (Informative) TBD to be determined.
- Bibliography lists the informative, non-standard topics referenced in this part of ISO/IEC nnnnn.